Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Investigation Of Rita Crundwell - 1596 Words

The investigation of Rita Crundwell started with a tip from the interim Controller of the city of Dixon, Kathe Swanson. She was taking the place of Rita Crundwell while Rita was partaking in an extended vacation. Swanson noticed a suspicious account called R.S.C.D.A., which stood for Reserve Sewer Capital Development Account. Large amounts of city funds were being deposited into this account, and there was no evidence that the money in this account was being used for city purposes. This is a major red flag to Swanson, who immediately took that information and reported it to the Mayor of Dixon, James Burke. Burke then contacted the FBI to further investigate the incident. Another major red flag that started the investigation is the†¦show more content†¦Steps such as interviews you may have conducted, transactional testing, document reviews, the timeframe under review, research you might have done, and anything else to investigate the issue. The main objective of this investigation is to see if funds are being misappropriated and who is misappropriating these funds. In conducting this investigation we needed to take many steps to ensure that the tip that the department received was true. To begin we checked personnel records and company records to gather information (Albrecht, Albrecht, and Zimbelman, 216) on the suspect, Rita Crundwell. Information such as how long has this suspect has worked in the city, what her position is, and what it entails. We also went through the accounts that she is transferring the cities money into and verified that all of these are all legitimate accounts of the city. If we found any errors or accounts that were not legitimate we would note these down and ask Rita about these accounts during the interview. Next we interviewed the former employees who have worked with the suspect and see what they had to say. While asking the former employees questions about Rita’s personal life we asked what they would see Rita doing on a normal work day. The third step that would be particularly useful for this investigation is to search public records. Particularly one good website that is useful in this investigation is AutoTrackXP. This site â€Å"contains billions of records about individuals, including

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